Monday, August 8, 2011



Okonomiyaki was invented in Japan prior to World War II and evolved and became popular during and after the war.  The earliest origins of a basic crepe-like pancake date back to the Edo period (1683-1868) period where these were a special desert served at Buddhist ceremonies called Funoyaki.  This then evolved during the Meiji period (1868-1912) into a sweeter dish called Sukesoyaki.  During the 20's and 30's the dish continued to evolve with more emphasis put on the sauces added and the name Yoshokuyaki began to be used.  The name Okonomiyaki started in the late 30's in Osaka.  In Hiroshima at this time a similar crepe-like food was popular - it was topped with onions, folded over, and served to children as a snack item.  Okonomiyaki, in it's different variations, started to become more popular during the war when rice became scarce and residents had to be creative in using other more readily available ingredients.  The simple wheat pancake fit the bill and during and after the war, people started to add more ingredients such as eggs, pork, and cabbage.  A restaurant from Osaka claims to have been the first to add Mayonnaise in 1946.

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Daddy Alden's Mini Okonomiyaki!

1 egg large
1/2 cup steamed mung bean sprouts
1cup flour 
3/4 cup dashi stock
1 large sugpo

okonomi sauce
chicken meat steamed approximately 1/4 cup

1. place egg , dashi stock,steamed mung bean sprouts and flour on mixing bowl, mix till batter is fine with no lumps... set aside
2. mince the prawn as well as chicken meat and stir fry with approx 3 tbsp of vegetable oil... if cooked na combine the batter... use ninja skills if neccesary it will take some practice... check for consistency and adjust heat if necessary..
3. top with okonomi sauce and mayo...... enjoy XD.

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